A Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy

A Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy
"Never been to Tatooine? Well.. it's as good a place as anywhere else for now, right?" - Zeru

Which is why Obi-Wan will one day be heard to say:

RECAP [for Session # 3, September 30th, 2009]

RECAP (for events of Wednesday, September 30, 2009, Session # 3)


The Jedi, along with Clone Sergeant REAPER, faced off against clones intent on carrying out their ORDER 66 mandate. Reaper had unsuccessfully attempted to reason with them and await confirmation of the order. As RENN finally burned through a set of blast doors to the chamber beyond, the group quickly dispatched the remaining squad of troopers, although SILUS received a glancing blaster wound and one trooper was able to give his location and request reinforcements. Another lift was disabled, this time as a result of Reaper's killing shot to the last remaining clone of that squad.

Renn was greeted by a murder scene as he entered the security suite. The bodies of NEIMODEANS and one TRANDOSHAN were discovered, including the commander Renn had glimpsed in his psychometry attempt at the turbolifts. Apparently none of the victims had time to draw a weapon against their killer. The wounds and sabotage to nearby terminals suggested a LIGHTSABER as the murder weapon. The dark presence sensed earlier was no longer evident.

As the group tended to wounds and explored the area, the absent Jedi were contacted. Major DEN REINAR could not be hailed on any frequency, and attempting to sense him in the Force only revealed a blasted corpse surrounded by Clone Troopers and strangely inactive BATTLE DROIDS. ZERU STRILATH was contacted aboard the WINTER WIND. He related the deaths of his two wingmen and informed the group of his desperate struggle to evade their former allies. He also indicated that the DROID STARFIGHTERS had suddenly ceased all activity. Zeru agreed to rendesvous with the group for extraction if no other transport could be found. Additional troops arriving could be sensed from without the central corridors and from the levels above.

DENIMIR discoverd a false wall had been built to disguise or prevent access to the service tunnel beyond. Many of the computer terminals had swiveling bases as well.

SILUS found a long datapad indicating the passage beyond was used for moving freight and persons to a hangar located along a vast cliffside. Freight lifts along the corridor had somehow been disabled and required maintenance. A MESSAGE was found stored in the pad, indicating contact between a SITH LORD and the Neimodean commander. Renn confirmed that the symbol and sigil used within were associated with the leader of a Sith cult or dynasty. The message indicated that the Sith's agent had been sent to "reward" the Seperatists for their service and "take care of" any Jedi involvement. Records of starship traffic revealed that one ship, identified only by a numerical transponder code, had arrived a short time ago and no records of any ships departing afterward can be found. Renn also found a HANDPRINT somehow burned into one of the monitors, which was now streaming nonsensical characters and data.

As the group prepares to embark on a repulsorsled carrying freight in the hopes of reaching the hangar bay, a massive explosion rocks the corridor. Clone reinforcements have arrived and are attempting to clear the chambers. The heroes, burdened by a slow mode of transport, must now somehow escape the three SPEEDER BIKES bearing clone troopers. SILUS must successfully disable the limiter mechanism on the sled to increase its speed if the group intends to outrun their pursuers...