A Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy

A Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy
"Never been to Tatooine? Well.. it's as good a place as anywhere else for now, right?" - Zeru

Which is why Obi-Wan will one day be heard to say:

RECAP (for Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Session)


The Jedi were dispatched along with the Grand Army of the Republic to retake Gyrkana. The latest offensive saw the group split amongst four fronts. Major DEN REINAR, commanding GAR ground assault troopers, lead a direct assault on the palace, which would hopefully keep the surrounding droid forces at bay and distract them from the efforts of his Jedi comrades. DENEMIR ANTRERES, RENN SOLARIS and SILUS KHEL descended in gunships, gaining access to the upper parapet balconies with their clone contingents. Their mission was to seek out the insurgent commanders, gather any additional intel, communiques and records pertaining to troop movements and strategies, and possibly rescue any of the royal family or parliamentary officials held captive. JORGEN REOS was dispatched with an attachment of Clone Commandos operating in night-ops armor. His directive was to infiltrate the network of tunnels and sub-levels beneath the palatial fortess, undermine and sabotage the enemy's efforts, and if possible, locate the High Command or rescue any captives held below. Both intrusion groups were provided with detonite, should the situation warrant the use of explosives. ZERU STRILATH, piloting the WINTER WIND freighter and accompanied by Jedi wingmen aboard starfighters, was to assist in sub-orbital strikes and troop transport support. If necessary he was to provide extraction for Jedi personnel.

RENN and SILUS, swinging from droplines, battled their way in with the clone troops. DENEMIR succeeded also, arriving with his own squad in a seperate gunship. During the initial fighting, SILUS encountered a maintenance droid and used FORCE PSYCHOMETRY to probe its thought programs. He discovered that it was recording the Jedi and transmitting to an unknown source. Unfortunately, Silus rashly destroyed it before he could use it to unlock the blast doors that had been sealed. During a skirmish with IG-100 MAGNAGUARDS, RENN was unable to contact DENEMIR or DEN due to communication jamming. The CLONE SERGEANT with the squad neatly dispatched one of them with one skillfully fired burst from his repeating blaster. Massive explosions both within the adjoining corridors and from the ground below made the situation seem dire. DENEMIR would later rejoin the other Jedi, but not before sustaining moderate casualties among the clones. Just as the outer balcony gave away after a starship hit the outer wall, SILUS was able to hack into the security substation and unlock the main doors leading to a central hall, although every door along their intended route seemed to open as well. The group was later attacked by gun emplacements hidden in statuary and behind secret panels. RENN and DENEMIR sensed a dark presence watching their every move from concealed cameras, which were discovered and destroyed whenever possible. Upon reaching the turbolifts, RENN was able to use his PSYCHOMETRY to deduce where a NEIMODEAN COMMANDER had regularly taken the lift. After descending to what was believed to be the command level, the heroes and their troops dispatched battle droids, droidekas and a crab droid. RENN distantly sensed great turmoil, far removed from his present location. He felt a profound sadness, but could not understand why. As the group was about to storm COMMAND HQ, the clones were issued EXECUTIVE ORDER 66 from their Clone Commander, a contingency order from SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALPATINE to destroy with impunity all Jedi in the vacinity of those receiving it in the case of a Jedi insurrection against the Republic. Clone Sergeant REAPER distinguished himself by questioning this new directive, and began aiding the Jedi in fighting off the other clones.

The battle against once-loyal Clones rages on. RENN is almost done burning his way through the blast doors to the COMMAND SUITE with his lightsaber...